Imam Awaludin, Lc,. Ph.D.
Chief of Thursina International Affairs
Khairunnaasi anfa'uhum linnaasi
Chief of Thursina International Affairs
Imam Awaludin, Lc,. Ph.D.
Tempat & Tgl Lahir
Bangka Belitung, 10 November 1956Jabatan Fungsional
Islamic Teacher of StudiesRiwayat Pendidikan
S3 Business Universitas Pajajaran
S2 Business Management Binus University
S1 Teknik Informatika UMM
Chief of Smart Campus Thursina IIBS 2020-Sekarang
Direktur IT & Campus Tazkia IIBS 2017-2020
Manager IT & Campus Tazkia IIBS 2015-2017 -
Peran E-Servqual Dalam Pembentukan Loyalitas Konsumen Terhadap E-Marketplace di Indonesia. -
Alamat Staff
Jl. Asia Baru No.40A, Biznet Cloud Lnt. 2 Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Batat
Awards And Honours
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